Tuesday, 26 March 2013

New steps proposal

Instead of throwing money at temporary solutions (there's going to be another landslip soon), here is a suggestion for re-routing the steps to the hut, avoiding the landslips.  The old steps would then make good sun-bathing platforms!
It would be a good way to spend a small portion  of the millions about to come to DLRcoco in local property tax.
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aleksthethird said...

The kind of obvious alternative is to reanimate the old path which ignores the bridge and crosses the tracks over the tunnel.

aleksthethird said...

But, aleksthethird, the old path is threatened by landslides, too. What is wrong with you? Think, Aleks, think!

aleksthethird said...

At second, cough, third thought: I think the slope is too steep for your proposal. It's basically vertical, and you can't build stairs down a vertical wall. No, the only solution is an elevator. Or a tunnel from the quarry.