Saturday, 29 November 2008

Reply to "Reason"

The Vico Fairies don't agree
with these old Rocks beside the Sea,
been uglified in a vile way,
with useless bars 'n' cement all grey.
And Rocks and Sea will raise one night
and shake away the man-made blight!


Rex said...

...and the puerile poetic petulance persists...Pity!
Will peace prevail?...Possibly!
Perhaps permanently if providence is permitted to play its part and prevent petty postal pugnacity

...prepare for peace!

JudgeJim said...

Looks like Rex has swallowed a thesaurus ...
or maybe he's just become an American citizen ...
obviously it's the former, since he's actually looking for peace!

Tamsi said...
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Tamsi said...

Rex should rectify his name to Pyrannosaurus Rex - pffffffff...

Tamsi said...

PyrannoTHEsaurus actually -pfffffffff :-D